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Create unique alphanumeric identifiers with a specified character length and proportions of alpha and numeric characters.


generate_ids(n, characters, prop_numeric = 1, n_attempt = n * 3)



The number of unique identifiers to generate.


The number of characters to be included in each identifier.


The proportion of characters that should be numeric. The default is 1 (i.e., all numbers). If less than 1, identifiers will also include lowercase and uppercase letters.


The number of allowed attempts for generating the requested number of identifiers. See details for more information.

When identifiers are long (e.g., characters >= 10), it is slow and computationally intensive to find all possible permutations of the specified number of alpha and numeric characters. Therefore, identifiers are generated one at a time by sampling the required number of characters. This greatly increases efficiency, as we don't waste time generating multiple millions of identifiers when we might only need a few hundred. However, this means that it is possible we could generate duplicate identifiers. The n_attempt argument allows us to control how many identifiers we can generate in order to achieve our desired n unique identifiers. If we fail to find n unique identifiers after n_attempt, the function will error. For example, consider a request for 1,000 identifiers, each with 2 characters and only using numbers. With the number 0-9, there are only 100 possible two-character permutations. Thus, after n_attempt, the function will fail as 1,000 unique identifiers cannot be found.


A factor vector of length n.


generate_ids(n = 10, characters = 5)
#>  [1] 65354 41614 65584 75530 02741 26195 51782 18595 02604 40163
#> 10 Levels: 02604 02741 18595 26195 40163 41614 51782 65354 ... 75530
generate_ids(n = 100, characters = 10, prop_numeric = 0.5)
#>   [1] d8w42ZQ5H1 Wfg60A342l 993b2Se4nL i9y63jis77 p7chl257l6 6AaQ8j03y8
#>   [7] 49HDnf13K2 477pK69UYz 07P2P09OVQ 3Vu2u3v6s3 qe5e11oB97 guOf6679P1
#>  [13] 9Vz6R3Bm61 8pX0O000EI 19fI9LP64g 0mje219nQ0 v4kT49dF80 ef908V5h7c
#>  [19] P20h89CS0H g078ReXl61 4S3CDDh187 3g6T6ZO8Z1 32Nsw0w06v 3Qw7Gm794C
#>  [25] m203aW8Z2v 2a6v6Z6M1R VI08s88a1k 81sg79diV5 499Xb8UK1t Cv98G85ev7
#>  [31] 2G9a3oM7d9 2iLBI9D915 x9wlR5589d d0N97XC0z2 b3051vck5q a9849CJ9ju
#>  [37] s7G570Cin1 W746cwo93W JC7726r6yL 2F54P7Aym1 VA5x1I055w B37C8bp7t8
#>  [43] DV8ex6962L 1Q43T2ii9t RoD9I032d3 99mRg626Nv U4gOf7U448 667zQPq4b1
#>  [49] KG4d0015An G7p421VQ1p 9T7E8vB4Z3 3Z6q020jqN 4C398u9hMO 34FR455QrW
#>  [55] S316I66BIc xw0990vOh4 w79k2eA68I H4Jj2mw514 3m72iV2hv2 8LB9W1B08B
#>  [61] 32k3fL55ct wL25K58z0B 4Tpa1I93k3 G38R9jz8z2 4a1I46J2bT sl27g8i4t9
#>  [67] 6lur0I369a E6b7X2v90Y 50m62ju2Gd e107Yf9u8I 4V35nELq53 p79v98nO6t
#>  [73] 28ae72S0kw 9yMu0bu830 04e63Y0Ogj 836Zqk0VV8 Gf0628o7gk Cq24wz7V35
#>  [79] m706g9lkp5 6C8l396tyw 67mDp2d20d uP744EL7r5 z04MiN850r 39U1J28btX
#>  [85] h0y3pz2Z81 4M6xh2Qo78 82V36DBC5c 8bmsE8351R MSo2796yO7 3AhN0PK926
#>  [91] 644sn7mG5H 4w9Hb2a50U I6C1Lm49w7 5q1k33c1pj 9PpPs5613f Ll638VU6S8
#>  [97] R93pc45F4g 8G5ew1jc50 WUc991R2P4 9i9z3lht79
#> 100 Levels: 04e63Y0Ogj 07P2P09OVQ 0mje219nQ0 19fI9LP64g ... z04MiN850r